
To paint the lily, mathematically
Dec 2021International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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May 2021Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
In his Perimeter Public Lecture webcast on May 5, 2021, Harvard professor L. Mahadevan will take viewers on a journey into the mathematical, physical, and biological workings of morphogenesis to demonstrate how researchers are beginning to unlock secrets that have vexed scientists since Darwin.
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Y. Meroz, R. Bastien and L. Mahadevan Interface 16, 20190038, 2019. [DOI] [View PDF] [Download PDF]
C.J. Chan, M. Costanzo, T. Ruiz-Herrero, G. Monke, R. Petrie, L. Mahadevan, T. Hiiragi, Nature 571, 112–116, 2019. [DOI] [View PDF] [Download PDF]

Magic, Mystery and Mathematics in the Mundane
Jan 2021Related Publications
L. Mahadevan and E-H. Yong, Physics Today July 2011 66-67. [View PDF] [Download PDF]
J. Kim, M-W. Moon, K-R. Lee, L. Mahadevan, and H-Y. Kim, Physical Review Letters, 107, 264502, 2011. [View PDF] [Download PDF]

Wisdom of hives, nests, and mounds: collective physiology in social insects
Aug 2020Marine Biological Laboratory
Physical Biology of the Cell Lecture Series

Origami – Mathematics, Science and Technology
Sep 2018Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Presidential Lecture Series
Prof. L Mahadevan delves into the world of origami, from its origins in natural patterns to creations in art, from understanding it using mathematics to its deployment in technology.
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Morphogenesis: Geometry, Physics and Biology
Aug 2018HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study

Sep 2014In 2014, the paleobiologist Simon Conway Morris organized a meeting titled “Are there limits to evolution?” As part of the meeting, a few videos were recorded, including the one below. Others can be found at the following site .
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The architecture of natural patterns
Aug 2010Patterns in space and time surround us on all scales, from the atomic to the galactic. They are particularly rich at the scale of everyday life because it is in this “middle earth” that physics, chemistry and biology come together in very subtle ways. However, many of these patterns are things that we take for granted–so much so that we often mistake the familiar for the understood. I will try and unfold the familiar by describing, using theory, experiment and numerical simulation, a few examples of the complex structure of the world around us that arises from simple causes, that lead to an understanding of how matter is shaped and how it flows, both passively and actively.
Professor L. Mahadevan is the de Valpine Professor of Applied Mathematics and Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. His principal fields of interest are applied mathematics, macroscopic physics, and biological dynamics.
Mohsen Mostafavi, an architect and educator, is the Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Alexander and Victoria Wiley Professor of Design.
NOW? is an occasional series of conversations about ideas, images, words, things, drawings, places, designs. NOW? is also a specific temporal moment–of thought and action–caught between the present and possible futures