From the beginning the group has had an outward-looking view that aims to leverage quantitative approaches to problem-solving across science and engineering, encompassing experiment, theory and computation. Of the ~125+ alumni, 40% are in industry (tech companies, financial services, government labs) , and ~70 former group members are now faculty in schools of science (biology, chemistry, geophysics, mathematics, physics, psychology), engineering (biological, computer, civil, chemical and mechanical) and medicine (systems biology) around the world.
L. Mahadevan, F.R.S.
Lola England de Valpine Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Professor of Physics
Curriculum Vitae
Postdoctoral Fellows

Paul’s research is primarily at the intersection of fluid mechanics, elasticity, and collective behavior. He currently works on problems related to pattern formation of swirling elastic sheets and collective behavior of social insects. He is committed to teaching, outreach, and sustainability initiatives and is also studying the collective behavior of humans in the context of quantifying the energy consumption and waste production in an undergraduate house at Harvard.

Salem’s areas of research include applied math, quantitative biology and soft matter physics. His research applies methods from differential geometry to study growth form and function of organisms. This involves developing morphometric methods to quantify shape changes over developmental and evolutionary timescales and morphogenetic models to study growing biological structures.

Kimberly is a multidisciplinary researcher interested in collective behaviors across scales, particularly how the interactions between individuals give rise to emergent group dynamics in natural and engineered systems. Her work spans biological, environmental, and robotic systems, aiming to uncover design principles across diverse contexts using approaches from engineering, chemistry, physics, and biology. Current projects include investigations into ant traffic, biofilm dynamics, and linked active bots.

Vishaal’s research interests are broadly in control theory, statistical mechanics and problems at the intersection of animal and robot navigation. His current work focuses on applications of stochastic optimal control and optimal transport to problems of biological navigation. He is also interested in the study of active matter, particularly the control of aging in many-body systems.

I am a postdoc studying collective behaviors across different length scales, specifically exploring the similarities in the decision making processes between ants and cells. My previous research journey has taken me to studying the coloration of butterfly wings, the lubrication mechanism behind blinking, and the Schistosoma eggs hatching! As an engineer by training, I love building instruments that enable new measurement possibilities. Before moving to Cambridge, I earned my doctorate with Professor Gerry Fuller in Stanford and a Bach

Emmanouela is a physicist, who is curious about (non-human) animal communication and animal cognition. She is using statistical and Machine Learning methods to understand the ‘elephant language’ and the dynamics of decision making within elephant groups.

Email Website
Suraj’s research interests are broadly in statistical mechanics, condensed matter and biophysics. His current work focuses on various aspects of active matter, including phase separation, topological phenomena and tissue morphogenesis, along with questions of control and optimal transport of continuous media. He also studies the statistics and mechanics of slender elastic bodies and associated instabilities. Suraj is also interested in problems involving the thermodynamic consequences of adaptation and control in biophysical navigatio

Sumit’s research interests lie in trying to understand many-body non-equilibrium systems (typically living systems). At present, he is interested in problems related to morphogenesis, control of aging materials and cancer genetics.

Justin investigates the formation of patterns and shapes, especially those that arise soft materials. His current research focuses on the formation of branched structures such as rivers, lightning bolts, trees, lungs, vasculature, etc. He explores methods to quantify the shape of these branched structures and develops computational models that can predict branch shape from branching dynamics. To put these methods and models to the test, he builds experimental systems that can create branched structures.

Email Website
Sifan’s research interests lie in biological morphogenesis. She investigates multidisciplinary problems such as growth-induced surface patterns, morphodynamics of chemomechanical active shells, and phase separation of active solids. Prior to Harvard, Sifan received her PhD in Mechanics from Tsinghua Univ and B.S. in Engineering Mechanics from Tsinghua Univ. Her current work focuses on various aspects of biophysics including neuromechanics, inverse problem of morphogenesis, and bio-chemo-mechanical patterns of active matter.
Research Associates

Research Associate in Applied Mathematics
Email Website Google Scholar
Aditi’s areas of research include: pattern formation, instabilities in solids and fluids, and mechanics in morphogenesis.

Research Associate in Genetics
Anna uses Molecular Dynamics simulations, polymer theory and differential geometry to study knots and entanglement in soft- and biological matter. Her aim is to characterize and control disorder in topological amorphous solids.

Gaurav’s areas of research include mechanical metamaterials, kirigami, origami, and rheology.

Alex is using optimal control theory from engineering to design optimal drug treatment regimes for Alzheimer’s disease. He is also investigating the applicability of Lie symmetry techniques to problems of biological self-assembly.

Fabio is interested in the physical and neuromechanical principles that govern animal movement and locomotion. He investigates these principles by developing dynamical and control-theoretic models, as well as biomimetic robot experiments. Among other things, his recent work examines the dynamics of bipedal locomotion in little skates, and he is currently studying self-organized behavior in ants and the optimal control of octopus arm movements.
Graduate Students

Maati McKinney
Maati is a Ph.D. student in the Molecules, Cells, & Organisms program. She graduated with a B.S. in Mathematics from Spelman College in 2021, and now works at the intersection of biology and physics under the joint tutelage of Dr. Mahadevan and Dr. Patel. Maati likes to approach research with an open mind, an interdisciplinary heart, and a working calculator. By integrating approaches from multiple fields, she aims to create a more comprehensive picture of structural color generation in Achillides butterflies.

Irina Tolkova
Irina is interested in interdisciplinary projects on optimization, signal processing, robotics, and acoustics. After studying trajectory planning algorithms for the first two years of her PhD, she now works on the application of elastic functional data analysis and optimal transport to biological problems, including analysis of gait and of morphology. She is also very interested in the use of computational methods to assist sustainability and wildlife conservation; and particularly in the characterization and classification of acoustic signals.

Noah Toyonaga
Noah is an artist and physicist. Their work concerns the geometry of pleats and statistical mechanics of fissures.

Undergraduate Students
Name | Role in the lab | Where are they now? |
Mokhtar Adda-Bedia | research associate 2002-2003 | Director de Recerche, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France |
Médéric Argentina | postdoc 2002-2004 | Professor of Physics, University of Nice, Nice, France |
Mahesh Bandi | postdoc 2009-2011 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan |
Renaud Bastien | postdoc | 2011-2013, currently postdoc, MPI Cologne, Germany |
John Biggins | postdoc 2010-2012 | Research Fellow, Trinity Hall and Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, |
Otger Campas | postdoc 2007-2011 | Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UCSB, Santa Barbara |
Dervis can Vural | postdoc 2012-2013 | currently Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, USA, |
Andreas Carlson | postdoc | 2011-2014, currently Associate Professor Mathematics, U. Oslo, Norway |
Enrique Cerda | postdoc 1998-1999 | 2001-2002, Professor of Physics, University of Santiago, Santiago, Chile, |
Chon U Chan | postdoctoral fellow 2017-2019 | |
Nicholas Charles | ||
Raghunath Chelakkot | postdoc | 2011-2014, currently Assistant Professor of Physics, IIT Mumbai |
Siheng Chen | ||
Gary Choi | ||
Jun Chung | Korean Institute for Standards and Technology | |
Adam Cohen | PhD Student 2001-2003 | Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA |
Tal Cohen | postdoc 2015-2016 | Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, |
Andres Concha | postdoc 2010-2012 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Adolfo Ibanez University, Santiago, Chile |
Damien Cuvelier | postdoc 2005-2007 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Institut Curie, Paris, France |
Moumita Das | postdoc 2003-2004 | Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Rochester, New York, USA |
Levi Dudte | graduate 2011-2017 | Financial Services Consultant, Chicago, IL, USA |
Jacques Dumais | postdoc 2001-2003 | Professor of Bioengineering, Adolfo Ibanez University, Santiago, Chile |
John Eungdamrong | PhD Student 1998-2001 | |
Samuel Evans | Research Associate in Applied Mathematics | |
Yoel Forterre | postdoc 2002-2003 | Associate Professor of Physics, Polytechnique Marseille, Marseille, France |
David Fronk | graduate student 2016-2019 | |
Mattia Gazzola | postdoc 2013-2016 | Assistant Professor of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA, |
Sharon Gerbode | postdoc 2010-2011 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Harvey Mudd College, California |
Animangsu Ghatak | postdoc 2002-2004 | Professor of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India |
Luca Giomi | postdoc 2010-2012 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Lorentz Institute, University of Leiden, Netherlands |
Arvind Gopinath | postdoc 2005-2007 | Research Professor, Haverford College, PA |
Zengai Guo | PhD Student 2005-2010 | postdoc in Neurobiology, Janelia Farms, VA, USA |
Anupam Gupta | ||
Yuval Hart | postdoctoral fellow 2015-2019 | |
Mark Henle | postdoc 2008-2011 | Independent Entrepreneur, California |
Alex Heyde | ||
John Higgins | postdoc 2006-2009 | Assistant Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |
Evan Hohlfeld | PhD Student 2003-2008 | Wall Street, NY |
Alexander Isakov | Gradate Student 2011-2016 | postdoc, Yale Institute for Network Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA |
Gareth Wyn Jones | postdoc 2009-2011 | Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK |
Alexandre Kabla | postdoc 2004-2007 | Assistant Professor of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK |
Ken Kamrin | postdoc 2007-2010 | Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA |
Nadir Kaplan | postdoc 2012-2016 | postdoc, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, |
Jordan Kennedy | ||
Ho-Young Kim | postdoc 2003-2004 | Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea |
Hunter King | postdoc 2012-2016 | Assistant Professor of Polymer Science, and Biology, University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA |
John Kolinski | Gradate Student 2009-2014 | currently postdoc, Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, |
Hari Kothapalli | ||
Christophe Koudella | postdoc 2002-2004 | Wall Street, NY |
Igor Kulic | postdoc 2006-2008 | Director de Recerche, CNRS Strasbourg |
Haiyi Liang | postdoc 2006-2010 | Professor of Mechanics, University of Science and Technology, Hefei, China |
Shreyas Mandre | lecturer on applied mathematics and postdoc 2006-2010 | Assistant Professor of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, |
Madhav Mani | Gradate Student 2005-2010 | Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, |
Andrew Marantan | Gradate Student 2011-2017 | Financial Services Consultant, Chicago, IL, USA |
Elisabetta Matsumoto | postdoc 2014-2016 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA, |
Andrew McCormick | Gradate Student 2010-2013 | Currently at Google, Mountain View, CA |
Paula Mellado | postdoc 2010-2012 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Adolfo Ibanez University, Santiago, Chile |
Edvin Memet | graduate student 2015-2019 | |
Yasmin Meroz | postdoc 2013-2017 | Assistant Professor of Plant Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
Thomas Michaels | ||
Shruti Mishra | ||
Greg Morrison | postdoc 2008-2012 | currently Assistant Professor of Economics, IMT, Lucca, Italy |
Aryesh Mukherjee | PhD Student 2008-2012 | postdoc, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan |
Lauren Niu | ||
Sam Ocko | Gradate Student 2010-2015 | currently postdoc, Department of Applied Physics, Stanford |
Paolo Paoletti | PhD Student and postdoc 2009-2012 | Assistant Professor of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK |
Orit Peleg | postdoc 2014-2017 | Assistant Professor of Computer Science, and Biophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA |
Jacob Peters | graduate student 2015-2019 | Cornell Postdoc in Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Thomas Bolton Plumb-Reyes | ||
Asja Radja | ||
Ido Regev | postdoc 2013-2015 | currently Assistant Professor of Physics, Ben Gurion University, Israel |
Etienne Reyssat | postdoc 2007-2009 | Charge de Recerche, ESPCI, Paris, France |
Denis Richard | postdoc 2001-2002 | in Vivendi Water |
Christophe Riera | postdoc 2002-2004 | Wall Street, NY |
Teresa Ruiz-Herero | postdoc 2014-2017 | currently Data Scientist |
Louis Ryan | Gradate Student 2012-2014 | currently at Google, New York, NY |
Baoudouin Saintyves | postdoc 2014-2016 | postdoc, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, |
Mary Salcedo | graduate student 2015-2019 | National Science Foundation Postdoc at Virginia Tech |
Thierry Savin | postdoc 2007-2009 | Assistant Professor of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK |
Mattia Serra | ||
Jennifer Shin | PhD Student 1999-2004 | Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, South Korea |
Jan Skotheim | PhD Student 2001-2004 | Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, |
Anja Slim | postdoc 2009-2010 | Schlumberger-Doll Research, Cambridge, MA, USA |
Vamsi Spandan | ||
Siddharth Srinivasan | St Gobain Research, Foxboro, MA | |
Tuomas Tallinen | postdoc 2010-2012 | Assistant Professor of Physics, Jyvaskyla University, Helsinki, Finland |
Jeremy Teichman | PhD Student 1998-2003 | at Center for Defense Analysis, Maryland, USA |
Arpita Upadhyaya | postdoc 1999-2000 | Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, |
Wim van Rees | postdoc 2015-2017 | Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, |
Dominic Vella | PhD Student 2002-2004 | Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Oxford, UK |
Madhusudhan Venkadesan | postdoc 2008-2010 | Assistant Professor of Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA |
Etienne Vouga | postdoc 2013-2014 | currently Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA, |
Christoph Weber | postdoc 2016-2018 | currently Group Leader, MPIPKS, Dresden |
Zhiyan Wei | Gradate Student 2009-2014 | currently postdoc, Biology and Bioengineering, Stanford University, CA, USA, |
Matthieu Wyart | postdoc 2005-2006 | Professor of Physics, New York University, New York, USA |
Fengzhu Xiong | postdoctoral fellow 2016-2019 | |
Kexin Yi | ||
Ee Hou Yong | Gradate Student 2008-2012 | currently Assistant Professor of Physics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |

Mahadevan Lab celebration of Maha’s election to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. April 2023