A better understanding of soft artificial muscles

Research sheds light on the underlying mechanics of soft filaments

Shape-shifting of things to come

Complex lattices that change in response to stimuli open a range of applications in electronics, robotics, medicin

Protein Clumping Best Blocked Using Specific Compounds at Distinct Disease Stages, Model Suggests

A mathematical model created to more effectively prevent protein clumping, widely thought to underlie diseases like Parkinson’s, found that different potential treatments work best at different disease stages

How early-stage embryos maintain their size

Mechanical cues play critical role in shaping form and function

Cutting into shape

Mathematical framework turns any sheet of material into any shape using kirigami cuts

Using math to help treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other diseases

Insights into treatments for protein aggregation diseases from control theory and chemical kinetics

Using origami memory to encode geometric information in floppy structures

Researchers develop method to control the rigidity of structures through origami folds

Shaking the swarm

Researchers explore how bees collaborate to stabilize swarm clusters

Simple curiosities compel scientist

L. Mahadevan smiled at the question, which was: “What, exactly, do you do?” It is, on the surface, a simple question, but for Mahadevan the answer could lead many places. Or, maybe, that’s the answer, that Mahadevan, a 43-year-old professor at Harvard, studies seemingly simple, everyday questions,  “I am a wanderer, … and too curious […]