Self-excited dancing droplets
Platform could be used for self-cleaning surfaces and other applications
Platform could be used for self-cleaning surfaces and other applications
From crumpled paper to termite mounds to three-sided coins, L. Mahadevan has turned the whole world into his laboratory.
Researchers use geometry and dynamics to better understand tissue organization.
Research sheds light on the underlying mechanics of soft filaments
Complex lattices that change in response to stimuli open a range of applications in electronics, robotics, medicin
A mathematical model created to more effectively prevent protein clumping, widely thought to underlie diseases like Parkinson’s, found that different potential treatments work best at different disease stages
Mechanical cues play critical role in shaping form and function
Mathematical framework turns any sheet of material into any shape using kirigami cuts
Insights into treatments for protein aggregation diseases from control theory and chemical kinetics
Researchers develop method to control the rigidity of structures through origami folds